17-031 Cleaning Services to AS Vinmonopolet.


Öppet förfarande
2018-02-02 09:22 (GMT+01:00)
2018-03-02 12:00


AS Vinmonopolet AS Vinmonopolet
Bård Einar Heggelund Bård Einar Heggelund
Akersgaten 51
0130 Oslo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

AS Vinmonopolet shall collect tender offers on the purchase of cleaning services for the shops and chain office in Oslo (Diagonale). This comprises approx. 191 shops and the chain office, Diagonale. Also included as an option are 139 shops that currently take care of their own cleaning requirements.

It is possible to submit a tender offer on parts of the assignments, i.e. on either all shops, the chain office or both parts.

Start up for the shops: 1.5.2018.

The chain office, Diagonale (New premises): 22.6.2018.

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