Parallel framework agreement for technical consultancy services RIBYFY, RIA and RIG.


Öppet förfarande
2018-01-18 09:22 (GMT+01:00)
2018-02-23 10:00


Ina Wergeland Ina Wergeland
Kvernhusmyrane 20
935 084 733

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Lindås kommune wants to enter into a parallel framework agreement with a company that can contribute to major and minor projects connected to planning and clarification of major or minor investment projects.

Consultancy services to the Contracting Authority in all phases of the construction project, from the start-up to completion and guarantee follow-up.

There will be a particular need for assistance with:

— Consultancy services in the planning phase: preliminary project, sketches, calculations, engineering design, tender documentation etc,

— Consultancy services in the execution phase: construction meetings, contract follow-up, etc,

— Consultancy services in the claims phase: follow up of the builder/the Contracting Authority´s requirements etc.

Contribute to the preparation of tender documents as well as ensure that the projects are designed in.

Accordance with the law and regulations on public procurements.

The service will also include other work that naturally falls under the scope of the agreement. The projects will vary in extent and complexity.

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