Sewage pumps


Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2018-01-10 09:18 (GMT+01:00)
2018-02-09 12:00


Bergen Vann KF Bergen Vann KF
Johan Hausvik Johan Hausvik
Spelhaugen 22
5147 Fyllingsdalen
987 328 096

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Bergen Vann would like to enter into a framework agreement (without mini competitions) for the procurement and service of sewage pumps for sewage water.

The service is for deliveries under this framework agreement and it consists of 3 annual inspections and 1 guarantee expiry check. The tenderer is to cover all other costs in the guarantee period. The guarantee is independent of the contract period.

The procurement is for the Section for sewage transport and pumps with effect <= 25 kw.

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