Procurement of safety creating services and technology (alarm technology)


Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2018-01-09 09:18 (GMT+01:00)
2018-02-05 12:00


Lørenskog kommune Lørenskog kommune
Stine Brun Stine Brun
Hasselveien 6
1471 Lørenskog
842 566 142

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The procurement shall lead to a contract for the procurement, leasing (operational leasing) or hire of equipment for alarm call systems in nursing homes, currently 3 locations in Lørenskog Municipality. The contract shall also include safety creating services for persons living at home in the municipality. Persons living at home means all those who do not live in an institution. There can be changes to the composition of residences in the contract period, this contract shall allow for such changes, so that all patient groups with a need are covered.

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