Summer Ortho Photo 2018 (SOP2018)


Öppet förfarande
2018-02-28 09:08 (GMT+01:00)
2018-03-19 13:00


Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency
Eskil Kjærshøj Nielsen Eskil Kjærshøj Nielsen
Rentemestervej 8
2400 Copenhagen NV

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Summer Ortho photo (after foliation) covering the entire area of Denmark including some water bodies approximate 55 000 km2 in tiff-jpeg, raw tiff, jpeg and ECW formats with shared copyright to the ortho photo and photos between supplier and customer.

The GSD for the aerial photos to be used in the production must be between 8cm and 27cm. Pixelsize of ortho photo to be decide upon contract signing.

The accurcy of ortho photo is 2 pixel RMSE in regard to the original aerial images GSD.

The Photo period is from May 10th to July 31st.

The combine job will be split into four lots/subcontracts with 12-14 photo blocks (approx. 13.600km2) distributed over the entire country.

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