117114 Framework agreement for furniture, fixtures and equipment


Öppet förfarande
2018-01-26 09:20 (GMT+01:00)
2018-04-06 12:00


Gjøvikregionen - Anskaffelser Gjøvikregionen - Anskaffelser
Arve Sandvoll Arve Sandvoll
Kauffelds plass 1
2815 Gjøvik

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The municipality’s in the Gjøvik region hereby invite tenderers to a competition for signing of 1 - 2 framework agreement regarding the purchase of furniture, fixtures/furnishing and equipment for the following product groups:

One - 1 agreement for product group A, B, C and possibly D.

One - 1 agreement for product group D.

Also see Annex 3 Price Form.

Purchasing statistics from 2017 show an annual turnover of approx. 9 500 000,00 NOK excluding VAT.

The Contracting Authority needs furniture and furnishing in i.a. the following areas:

Office and common areas - approx. 37%.

Education - approx. 23%.

Nursery Schools - approx. 15%.

Institutions - approx. 25%.

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