Collection units for waste — framework agreement.


Öppet förfarande
2017-11-22 09:19 (GMT+01:00)
2018-01-03 12:00


Rakkestad kommune Rakkestad kommune
Rannveig Kjørvik Rannveig Kjørvik
Postboks 264
1891 Rakkestad
945 372 281

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

This is an open tender contest for a framework agreement for collection units for waste, so that Rakkestad municipality can provide sanitation services in an efficient and rational way in accordance with the current laws and regulations within the mentioned disciplines.

Rakkestad municipality shall go over to a new sanitation scheme that involves ordering waste collection units at the start of the contract. Approx. 6,470 will be required. The start-up delivery is to be preferably delivered in 2 instalments, with the first half delivered 12.3.2018 and the second half 12.4.2018. The waste and plastic sacks are also to be delivered in 2 instalments, with half delivered 12.3.2018 and the rest 12.4.2018.

After the second instalment of waste collection units and waste and plastic sacks has been delivered, the contract will go over to a framework agreement with ongoing orders of products.

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