Tender documentation independent inspection in accordance with the Planning and Building Act.


Öppet förfarande
2017-11-25 09:15 (GMT+01:00)
2017-12-07 12:00


AFK eiendom FKF AFK eiendom FKF
Ola Skeid Ola Skeid
Postboks 1193, Sentrum
0107 Oslo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

AFK eiendom FKF, on behalf of AFK eiendom FKF (Contracting Authority 1) and Akershus Kollektiv Terminaler FKF (Contracting Authority 2) (these 2 are later referred to as AFK) wants tender offers on:

Parallel framework agreements for the following professional groups:

Inspections in accordance with the Planning and Building Act — execution:

— building techniques,

— construction safety,

— geotechnics,

— fire prevention.

Inspections in accordance with the Planning and Building Act — engineering designers:

— building techniques,

— construction safety,

— geotechnics,

— fire prevention.

It is not possible to submit partial tender offers, but the Contracting Authority encourages cross discipline cooperation through use of the tender documentations attached affiliation declaration.

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