Request for Information (RFI) regarding 3D Inertial Unit (INU) systems.


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2017-11-06 08:46 (GMT+01:00)


Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations
Maria Boesen Maria Boesen
Lautrupbjerg 1-5
2750 Ballerup

Kort beskrivning

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) plans to tender framework agreements regarding acquisition of 3D Inertial Unit (INU) systems. Therefore DALO is looking for information on how to structure a possible future tender. The purpose of this Request for Information RFI is to get additional information in relation to the products offered and specifically get Market input in relation to the draft requirements specification that currently forms the bases of the tender. The draft requirement specification is available at the permalink in section I.3)

NOTICE: Please be aware that this is NOT a tender but a RFI.

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