Biogas and bio-gas filling station.


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2017-11-03 09:20 (GMT+01:00)


TRV Gruppen As TRV Gruppen As
Vibeke Hagen Vibeke Hagen
Heggstadmoen 53
7080 Trondheim
984 024 924

Kort beskrivning

Delivery and transport of compressed biogas to the Contracting Authority's address, Heggstadmoen, Trondheim. Procurement/rent and establishment of a biogas filling station/tank at the Contracting Authority's address, Heggstadmoen, Trondheim.

The subsidiary company Trondheim Renholdsverk AS has procured 4 biogas-run sanitation vehicles, which shall be ready for operation May 2018 and a procurement of a further 3 vehicles for biogas is planned for in 2019. (CNG).

Each sanitation vehicles is estimated to have an annual consumption of 10 000 Nm3 biogas. The expected need over 4 years is a total of 312 000 Nm3 biogas. The need is subject to being amended either up or down, depending on experience and the strategy for replacing the vehicles at the subsidiary companies Trondheim Renholdsverk AS and Retura TRV AS.

A filling station needs to be established at the Contracting Authority's address. The filling station shall facilitate Fast-fill that is compatible with the standard system for refilling, NGV1+NGV2.

See the attached document for the invitation to a dialogue with the market.

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