2017 RAM Teaching aids sixth form colleges — dialogue conference.


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2017-11-30 09:16 (GMT+01:00)


Møre og Romsdal Fylkeskommune Møre og Romsdal Fylkeskommune
Arnt Ove Hol Arnt Ove Hol
6404 Molde

Kort beskrivning

1. General

More og Romsdal County, c/o the Education Department, invites interested suppliers to a dialogue conference for planning a new competition for printed and digital teaching aids.

The dialogue conference will be held in accordance with the rules for public procurements and it is pursuant to FoA §12-2.

2. The aim of the dialogue conference

The reason for holding such a dialogue conference with suppliers in the market is that the Contracting Authority would like to have a dialogue on what systems and products for this type of procurement are available in the market.

As regards this procurement the Contracting Authority has:

— challenges in designing a needs description and the requirement specifications and would like to present this to the supplier market,

— as many tenderers as possible who can deliver the wanted delivery.

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