Exhibit Vega Archipelago World Heritage's Centre.


Öppet förfarande
2017-11-21 09:18 (GMT+01:00)
2017-11-27 15:00


Vega Verdensarvsenter AS Vega Verdensarvsenter AS
Ina Andreassen Ina Andreassen
Nesveien 92
8980 Vega
917 314 144

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Vega Archipelago World Heritage Centre wishes to implement a new exhibit in the new building. The building is constructed and owned by Vega municipality and shall be completed by 1.8.2018. The total area of the building is 960 m2. Vega Archipelago World Heritage Centre shall operate and develop the centre.

The exhibit ‘Wild and beautiful Vega’ shall be the main exhibit at the World Heritage Centre. The exhibit shall communicate and interpret the area's values which have led to a place on the UNESCO's World Heritage list. The area of the exhibit is approx. 110 m2.

The contract involves further development of the preliminary project ‘Wild and beautiful Vega’, production of exhibit elements, films, sound, smell and the assembly of the exhibit.

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