Map program for the Pilot Service


Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2017-12-22 09:23 (GMT+01:00)
2018-01-22 10:00


Kystverket Kystverket
Kurt Haukeberg Kurt Haukeberg
Postboks 1502
6025 Ålesund
874 783 242

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Kort beskrivning

The Norwegian coastal administration the pilot service, shall procure a map program for government pilots. The map program shall function on the pilots’ iPad Pro. In addition to software, tenderer's shall also deliver a support solution that satisfies our operative need. The tenderer can work with development of our map program after signing the contract. This means that a completed product does not need to be presented at the tender submission. There will be a development period of approx. 5 months after signing of the contract, up until the launch on 1.11.2018.

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