Request For Information — SAR and transport services in Greenland with land-based helicopters.


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2017-09-12 09:12 (GMT+02:00)


Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations
Anders Lyngholm Eriksen Anders Lyngholm Eriksen
Lautrupbjerg 1-5
2750 Ballerup

Kort beskrivning

The Danish Defence is preparing a tender regarding search and rescue (SAR) and transportation services in Greenland by land-based helicopter(s). However, as part of the preparation the Danish Defence would like gather information regarding the current market of SAR services by landbased helicopters in connection with structuring the future tender. The purpose of this request for information (RFI) is to understand how the best possible tender and contract can be arranged both for the Danish Defence and for the supplier.

DALO emphasizes that it will not influence your participation in a possible future tender regarding SAR services, should you decline to participate or only partly fill out this request for information.

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