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2017-08-22 09:06 (GMT+02:00)


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kongens Lyngby

Kort beskrivning

The Computerome Center is, after a very successful 3-year production run, looking to expand its capabilities of its current generation of supercomputer, by establishing the second generation of a National super computer for life sciences. The Computerome Center believes that no infrastructure of this kind has ever brought so many groups on a single collaborative platform as the Computerome hosts over 370 projects actively. The new super computer (‘hereinafter Computerome 2.0’) will further build upon this foundation regarding personalized medicine and furthermore be a fundamental instrument to how the experts are able to respond to the patient care and epidemics.

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