Tyristrand kirke, [Tyristrand Church], new stationary fire extinguishing and warning system — Revised competition.


Öppet förfarande
2017-07-22 09:27 (GMT+02:00)
2017-08-25 12:00


Ringerike Kommune Ringerike Kommune
Line Synøve Østvold Line Synøve Østvold
Osloveien 1 Rådhuset
3511 Hønefoss

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Tyristrand Church is a timber church building erected in 1857 and is on the Directorate of Cultural Heritage's list of church buildings worthy of preservation.

A complete solution shall be established to guard against fire. This involves an external and internal extinguishing solution with the use of a sprinkler system. The solution shall be established with a new system for detection, warning and evacuation. The Warning system shall be connected to Ringerike Fire and Rescue Service.

The project's start date is 15.9.2017 and shall be completed by 1.12.2017.

Contractual provisions: NS 8407 General Contract Provisions for turnkey contracts with the corrections stated in part II of the Tender Documentation, point B.2 Special contract provisions.

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