Dialogue conference, Welfare Technology — electronic medicating support and digital supervision.


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2017-07-12 10:10 (GMT+02:00)


Alta kommune Alta kommune
Tina Hoaas Tina Hoaas
Postboks 1403
9506 Alta
944 588 132

Kort beskrivning

The project ‘National Welfare Technology Program Finnmark’ with the municipalities of Alta, Hammerfest, Sør-Varanger, Karasjok, Tana, Nesseby and Loppa are now working with mapping on how they can perform their services in relation to medicine delivery and day/night supervision. In the mapping, the municipalities use both interviews with the service recipients, relatives and executive service as methodology and the establishment of service performing official travel over relevant services.

The municipalities want to arrange a dialogue conference to inform tenderers and relevant interested parties about the need and to get input on how these needs can be solved by the market.

The conference will be held at Alta Health Centre, meeting room Lille-Hadde, 13.9.2017 — 14.9.2017 (lunch to lunch meeting).

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