17/018106 — Market survey — purchase of fruit.


Ej tillämpligt
2017-07-11 10:25 (GMT+02:00)


Statens pensjonskasse Statens pensjonskasse
Erik Momrak Erik Momrak
Postboks 10 Skøyen

Kort beskrivning

About the Contracting Authority:

The Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (SPK) is the largest provider of public service pensions in Norway.

SPK is under the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and our framework terms are set by the Norwegian parliament. We administer pension rights of 509 000 000 000 NOK on behalf of the government for approx. 1 500 entities and for more than one million previous and current employees in the government, schools, research, pharmacies and organisations. In 2016 we paid 25 800 000 000 NOK in pensions. SPK has approx. 400 employees and is located at Skøyen in a newly erected building.

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