Feed and breeding fodder


2017-09-04 10:34 (GMT+02:00)
2017-08-31 12:00 (GMT+02:00)
2017-08-23 12:00 (GMT+02:00)
2017-08-21 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


Syddansk Universitet Syddansk Universitet
Marianne Eichertz Hansen Marianne Eichertz Hansen
Campusvej 55
5230 Odense M

Anbudet er kansellert

Kort beskrivning

The tender relates to animal feed and bedding for animals at Biomedical Laboratory.

Filer från huvudupphandlingen

Namn Filstorlek
Annex 1-Lot1 Requirements - Feed and Breeding Fodder.docx 41 KB
Annex 1-Lot1 Requirements - Feed and Breeding Fodder.pdf 114 KB
Annex 3 Electronic invoicing Feed and the Bedding to Biomedical Laboratory.docx 47 KB
Annex 3 Electronic invoicing Feed and the Bedding to Biomedical Laboratory.pdf 100 KB
Annex 4 E-commerce requirements Feed and the Bedding to Biomedical Laboratory.docx 64 KB
Annex 4 E-commerce requirements Feed and the Bedding to Biomedical Laboratory.pdf 115 KB
Annex 5 Tender List July 2017 - feed and the bedding.xlsx 31 KB
Annex 1-Lot2 Requirements. - The Bedding.pdf 117 KB
Framework Agreement - Feed and the Bedding to Biomedical Laboratory.docx 67 KB
Framework Agreement - Feed and the Bedding to Biomedical Laboratory.pdf 109 KB
Annex 2 - Tender Specifications - Feed and the Bedding to Biomedical Laboratory.docx 70 KB
Annex 2 - Tender Specifications - Feed and the Bedding to Biomedical Laboratory.pdf 172 KB
Annex 1-Lot2 Requirements. - The Bedding.docx 31 KB

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