2017/50 — Office Supplies and school materials etc. for MRFk.


Öppet förfarande
2017-07-08 09:39 (GMT+02:00)
2017-09-08 12:00


Møre og Romsdal Fylkeskommune Møre og Romsdal Fylkeskommune
Torgeir Riksfjord Torgeir Riksfjord
6404 Molde

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune invites tenderers to a competition to enter into a framework agreement for the delivery of Office Supplies and school materials to our organisations.

The competition is divided into 3:

— -Lot 1: Office Supplies and school materials etc.

— -Lot 2: Toner and ink, including a system for automatic ordering.

— -Lot 3: Products for archiving.

Framework agreements will be signed with 3 tenderers.

See the minimum requirements and criteria (award criteria) for each sub-delivery, for further information of the requirements and specifications.

In both the tender letter and in Mercell, tenderers must state which lot(s) the tender offer concerns.

If the tenderer, in the tender letter, verifies that he will submit tenders for several sub-deliveries, the tenderer must also submit tenders for each sub-delivery in the Mercell system, as well as upload the complete tender documents.

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