Framework agreement for the delivery of teaching aids to the primary and lower secondary schools as well as for the adult education service.


Öppet förfarande
2017-06-22 00:55 (GMT+02:00)
2017-07-24 12:00


Harstad kommune Harstad kommune
Stine Bjugn Stine Bjugn
9479 Harstad
972 417 971

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

A framework agreement for the delivery of teaching aids to the primary and lower secondary schools in Harstad and Kvæfjord municipalities, as well as to the adult education service in Harstad municipality.

Tenders should be submitted for the following product groups:

1. Printed and digital text books.

2. Books in the book groups 2-9 in accordance with the book agreement.

3. Educational concretising material (not toys or art subject material) and teaching aids which gives possibilities for diversity in the offer for teaching styles and differentiation.


4. Digital teaching aids, that do not come under category 1, i.e. that are not specifically connected to a textbook series, but are connected to work with competence goals in subjects. Including e-books, internet services and adequate digital teaching aids (the list is not exhaustive).

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