Intention notice — Instrumentation in drill holes.


Tilldelning av kontrakt utan att ett meddelande om upphandling först offentliggjorts i Europeiska unionens officiella tidning
2017-06-21 23:52 (GMT+02:00)


Norges Vassdrags- og Energidirektorat (NVE) Norges Vassdrags- og Energidirektorat (NVE)
Jørgen B. Lampe Jørgen B. Lampe
Middelthunsgate 29
0368 Oslo


Norges Vassdrags- og Energidirektorat (NVE) 970205039 Middelthunsgate 29 Oslo 0368 Jørgen B. Lampe Intention notice — Instrumentation in drill holes. Signing of a revised contract with CSG srl for instrumentation in drill holes. NVE has a contract with the company CSG srl for instrumentation in drill holes. NVE and rock fall monitoring have a comprehensive installation at several monitored unstable mountain sides, which is connected to instrumentation, infrastructure and adaptation of data for warnings, which is central for the monitoring requirements. CSG has delivered instrumentation, special adaptations of instruments and the development of software for real time monitoring since 2006. This also includes adaptations to the data for rock fall monitoring, annual maintenance, data processing and an operative service for technical errors and alarms for thresholds. After taking over rock fall monitoring in 2015, NVE would like to review the existing contract. 12000000.00 Stranda. The way the monitoring is currently established and organised means that NVE is dependent on a continuation and development of the contract with CSG srl. The instrumentation has a Norwegian patent and its operation and development cannot be transferred to other actors. NVE would like, therefore, to review the existing contract, and are open to new developments of special systems for measuring water pressure and movement in deep drill holes. NVE has a contract with the company CSG for instrumentation in drill holes. NVE and rock fall monitoring have a comprehensive installation at several monitored unstable mountain sides, which is connected to instrumentation, infrastructure and adaptation of data for warnings, which is central for the monitoring requirements. CSG has delivered instrumentation, special adaptations of instruments and the development of software for real time monitoring since 2006. This also includes adaptations to the data for rock fall monitoring, annual maintenance, data processing and an operative service for technical errors and alarms for thresholds. After taking over rock fall monitoring in 2015, NVE would like to review the existing contract. The way the monitoring is currently established and organised means that NVE is dependent on a continuation and development of the contract with CSG. The instrumentation has a Norwegian patent and its operation and development cannot be transferred to other actors. NVE would like, therefore, to review the existing contract, and are open to new developments of special systems for measuring water pressure and movement in deep drill holes. 2017-06-12 Sunnfjord Geo Center AS 998899834 Villabyen 12000000.00 Klagenemnda for offentlige anskaffelser Bergen Klagenemnda for offentlige anskaffelser Postboks 439 Sentrum Bergen 5805 +47 55597500 +47 55597599 2017-06-14

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