Nittedal municipality, Skedsmo municipality and Nedre Romerike Waterworks (NRV). Pipelines in Nitelva from Skjervagapet to Slattum.


Öppet förfarande
2017-06-21 23:51 (GMT+02:00)
2017-07-20 12:00


Nittedal kommune, Skedsmo kommune og NRV Nittedal kommune, Skedsmo kommune og NRV
Øyvind Tåsåsen
Rådhusveien 1
1482 Nittedal
971 643 870

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

This tender comprises the delivery and laying of PE pipelines, load weights, welding pipes on a floating stage, excavating ditches in Nitelva, lowering pipelines and refilling ditches in the river, securing a pipeline on the bottom, some pipelines in ditches on land, connections and preparation of pipelines, lowering PE manholes, etc. The pipelines shall be cleaned (flushed), pigging operated and pressure tested. See the other contract documents for a complete description of the delivery.

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