LOT 8 - KVM switch


18 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt på försvars- och säkerhetsområdet
Selektivt förfarande
2017-06-14 13:21 (GMT+02:00)


Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse
Charlotte Jensen Charlotte Jensen
Lautrupbjerg 1
2750 Ballerup

Kort beskrivning

New version per 9th January 2017 of 'Enslosure 3 Evaluation Method, Rugged CIS Materiel' regarding formula on page 15.

Bidding round for Rugged CIS material

Contains 19”/2 keyboard, video, and mouse switch (KVM‐switch). The equipment will primarily be installed in armored vehicles alongside with other 19”/2 equipment. The KVM‐switches are used to bring down the number of monitors needed in the confined space offered in military vehicles. The switches shall be remote controlled, in order to stow away the KVM‐switch together with the computers, switches and other equipment. The framework agreement will contain both aquisitions and minor repairs.

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