A CRM maintenance agreement and consultancy service.


Öppet förfarande
2017-06-09 09:46 (GMT+02:00)
2017-08-15 12:00


Statens Kartverk Statens Kartverk
Ståle Rovelstad Ståle Rovelstad
Kartverksveien 21
3511 Hønefoss

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Contracting Authority shall enter into 2 separate agreements with 1 service provider for the following:

The Contracting Authority requests tenders for maintenance and consultancy services for CRM (Customer Relationship Management) 2016.

The maintenance shall include the existing MS Dynamics CRM 2016 systems with accompanying integrations and third-party systems. Currently approx. 189 licences/users

The consultancy service shall include assistance in the form of consulting services. Top competence in development of the Norwegian Mapping Authority's MS Dynamics CRM systems and relevant additional functionality is requested.

More information on the procurement and scope of work is included in appendixes 2 and 4, the Annex to the Maintenance and Consultancy service agreement.

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