EØS 035-2017 Invitation to a market dialogue; AV equipment, interactive boards/projectors for schools.


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2017-06-09 09:46 (GMT+02:00)


Bergen Kommune Bergen Kommune
Kristian Gromholt Kristian Gromholt
Serviceboks 7880
5020 Bergen

Kort beskrivning

Bergen municipality with joint venture partners are planning initiating a process for the establishment of a new framework agreement for AV equipment for meeting rooms, interactive boards/projectors for schools. The current agreement structure is based on a lower limit for making orders against a framework agreement, while procurements above this limit shall be implemented via DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System).

Tenderers are hereby invited to a joint dialogue meeting 27.6.2017 (10:00 — 11:00). Address: the contracting authority's premises, the fifth floor, Fortunen 3, Bergen.

The tenderer shall register for participation in the ‘Meld din interesse’ (‘Register for Interest’) function in the Mercell portal.

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