LD's Tenders for Fund Management and Depository Services, respectively.


Öppet förfarande
2017-08-24 09:12 (GMT+02:00)
2017-09-25 13:00


Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond
Mette Lind Jensen Michael Steen
Dirch Passers Allé 27, 2. sal
2000 Frederiksberg

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond (in the following referred to as ‘LD’) hereby issues an invitation to tender for two contracts regarding Fund Management Services and Depository Services, respectively.

This Procurement Procedure is carried out by LD on behalf of Kapitalforeningen LD (KLD) (Formerly named Den Professionelle Forening LD), in the following referred to as ‘KLD’).

The object of the tender is to contract with a Fund Manager and a Depositary Bank (Global Custodian) regarding the fund management services and depositary services, respectively, of KLD's assets.

The Fund Manager as well as the Depositary Bank each has to fulfil all legal requirements to offer the depositary services and fund management services, respectively, in Denmark.

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