Architectural and consultancy services for engineering design for a regional medical centre in Brønnøysund.


Öppet förfarande
2017-05-17 09:46 (GMT+02:00)
2017-06-12 12:00


Brønnøy kommune Brønnøy kommune
Gunvald Eilertsen Gunvald Eilertsen
8905 Brønnøysund
964 983 291

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Brønnøy municipality shall review a preliminary project solution, including a cost estimate for the construction of a regional medical centre (DMS) for the South-Helgeland region in Brønnysund, in co-operation with the Helgeland Hospital Trust, which is the main user/renter of the building. The preliminary project is based on a concept report from May 2016, prepared by Sykehusbygg. The location is adjacent and connected to the municipality's health centre in Brønnøysund. The provisional gross area is approx. 3 900 m². The preliminary project material shall form the basis for making a decision regarding leasing and implementation. Option for detailed engineering design and for the function as the project's liable applicant shall therefore be included in the tender.

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