The procurement of WAN, Internet and related services.


Öppet förfarande
2017-05-12 09:34 (GMT+02:00)
2017-06-12 12:00


Statens kartverk Statens kartverk
Gro Bakke Gro Bakke
Kartverksveien 21
3507 Hønefoss
971 040 238

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Norwegian Mapping Authority, henceforth referred to as the contracting authority, shall enter into an agreement with a service provider of WAN, Internet and related services The agreement shall cover the contracting authority's requirements for data communication between various geographic entities, own or individual joint venture partners, as well as Internet connection, domene administration and other related services, unless the service is covered by other (framework) agreements. Due to i.a. security considerations, possibilities for special adaptations to the network and direct contact with the executing technicians, the tenderers should in all essentials have own nationwide infrastructure.

More information on the procurement and scope of work is included in Annex 1 The Client's Requirement Specification.

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