Tunnel renovation Sunnmøre — Tender 2 — National road 658 the Ellingsøy tunnel, National road 658 the Valderøy tunnel and County road 658 the Godøy tunnel.


Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2017-04-21 09:35 (GMT+02:00)
2017-06-13 12:00


Statens vegvesen Region midt Statens vegvesen Region midt
Ole Kristian Birkeland Ole Kristian Birkeland
6404 Molde
971 032 081

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Kort beskrivning

The work comprises both building, construction and electrical disciplines.

The Ellingsøy and Valderøy tunnels were renovated in 2008-2009. The tunnel works here mainly comprises the upgrading of electro technical installations and safety equipment. 7 new niches shall be blasted in the tunnels for new breakdown laybys and technical rooms. There is also a lot of work that shall be carried out in the Flatholmen tunnel ramps, which have not been previously upgraded.

The existing electro technical installations, safety equipment and water and frost protection shall be demolished and removed in the Godøy tunnel and new installations shall be established. 3 new niches shall be blasted for breakdown lay-bys and a technical room. A guardrail shall be cast on both sides for almost the entire length of the tunnel.

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