The procurement of a gully emptier and combination vehicle.


Ej tillämpligt
2017-03-22 09:38 (GMT+01:00)


Trondheim kommune Trondheim kommune
Ole Kristian Dahlen Ole Kristian Dahlen
Postboks 2300 Sluppen
7004 Trondheim
942 110 464

Kort beskrivning

Dialogue meeting.

Trondheim municipality has initiated the work with the procurement of a gully emptier and combination vehicle in 2017, and is hereby inviting relevant tenderers to one-on-one dialogue meetings.

Types of vehicle:

— 1 gully emptier for emptying sand traps at streets,

— 1 gully emptier for septic emptying,

— 1 combination vehicle for slushing sewage.

The agenda for the meetings:

— Informaton about our requirements,

— Questions and discussion related to various possible solutions.

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