HO-16-06: Sales and licensing checks.


Öppet förfarande
2017-04-15 09:28 (GMT+02:00)
2017-04-28 12:00


Abakus AS Abakus AS
Gjertrud Eggen Gjertrud Eggen
Postboks 128
2440 Engerdal

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Procurement Cooperation in South and North Østerdal intends to enter into a framework agreement for checks on sales and licensing permits in accordance with the instructions and guidelines pursuant to the law and regulations from central and/or local authorities. The contract also includes the municipality's supervision responsibilities and catering places in accordance with the law on protection from tobacco. In addition the contract also includes checks and advice on internal control at the same places.

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