E14 — Europan Norge.


Öppet förfarande
2017-03-16 09:37 (GMT+01:00)
2017-06-30 23:59


Europan Norge Europan Norge
Øystein Rø Øystein Rø
Gøteborggata 27b
0566 Oslo
985 402 248

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

European architecture and town development competition for architects, landscape architects and planners younger than 40 years old. Europan Norge is presenting 3 sites this year:

Lillestrøm: Nesa

New areas for expanding the town are being considered in Lillestrøm. On the industrial area Nesa, the question is how current and new production can still be a part of the future, co-localised with new housing, public functions and the river landscape.

Alta: Skiferkaia

Alta would like to establish a new connection to the fjord and develop a programme that is based on the transition between land and water. Skiferkaia shall be a laboratory for new urban production, housing and public life.

Narvik: Teknisk Kvartal

Narvik would like to invest in the next economy. Teknisk Kvartal shall, in the future, be a place where young people can meet, live and start up new companies. The participants shall develop a new concept for the block, as well as a plan for how the adjoining park can be a new public room in Narvik.

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