Natural fertiliser management for Jonsvatnet catchment area.


Öppet förfarande
2017-03-10 09:34 (GMT+01:00)
2017-04-10 12:00


Trondheim kommune Trondheim kommune
Ole Kristian Dahlen Ole Kristian Dahlen
Postboks 2300 Sluppen
7004 Trondheim
942 110 464

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Kort beskrivning

Trondheim municipality wishes, as the waterworks' owner, to limit the run-off of natural fertilisers which can reach the source of drinking water. The clause for the Jonsvatnet catchment area therefor includes limitations for use of fertilisers involving some of the agricultural properties. Fertiliser agreements have been entered into with the involved farms, where the municipality shall transport all surplus fertilisers out of the catchment area.

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