EEA 026-2017 Food for schools, nurseries and institutions etc.


Öppet förfarande
2017-05-10 10:04 (GMT+02:00)
2017-06-12 12:00


Bergen Kommune Bergen Kommune
Trude Espedal Jensen Trude Espedal Jensen
Serviceboks 7880
5020 Bergen

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Bergen municipality and collaboration partners would like to enter into a framework agreement for the procurement and delivery of food for nurseries, schools, old people's homes and nursing homes, shared housing etc. Entities in annex 3 shall have regular deliveries 1-2 times a week (the delivery frequency for each individual location is in the delivery list). The schools have some procurements that pupils procure themselves in local shops, this is a part of the syllabus for the pupils. In addition to the above, all other entities in Bergen municipality shall also be able to order food under the framework agreement, but with different delivery terms. The delivery time for such entities is 1 week with a minimum order requirement of NOK 1 000 excluding VAT. Orders will be placed from different people at varying frequencies.

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