Parking D & E airports in Avinor.


Accelerated procedure
2017-02-18 09:26 (GMT+01:00)
2017-03-31 15:00


Avinor AS Avinor AS
Jan-Ove Strømmen Jan-Ove Strømmen
Postboks 150
2061 Gardermoen
985 198 292

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Avinor shall implement a tender contest for parking services and the delivery of parking technical equipment for up to 34 regional and local airports.

Further description of the service providers' services is given in the tender documents.

The competition will be conducted with negotiations.

The contract(s) is (are) for up to 5 years including the options (3+1+1 years).

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