Steinkjer skole.


Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2017-01-27 09:35 (GMT+01:00)
2017-03-01 12:00


Steinkjer kommune Steinkjer kommune
Pål Christian Berg Pål Christian Berg
Rådhuset, Postboks 2530
7729 Steinkjer
840 029 212

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Steinkjer kommune shall build a new school in the down town area.

The school shall have a total of 400 students in grades one to seven, and an introduction class of 30 student.

The project shall resolve the following assignments:

— School;

— Small multi-purpose hall (gymnasium);

— Outdoor area;

— Demolition of the existing building.

To facilitate an optimal project within the applicable investment framework, the preliminary project shall be prepared in a development phase in cooperation between the Contractor, user and service provider. In this phase, the project shall be quality assured against the requirements set in the tender documentation.

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