152- BYM-2016 Resurfacing of municipal roads, streets, pavements, and foot and cycle paths in Oslo 2017.


Öppet förfarande
2017-01-24 09:37 (GMT+01:00)
2017-03-13 12:00


Oslo kommune Bymiljøetaten Oslo kommune Bymiljøetaten
Adalbjørg Fife Adalbjørg Fife
Postboks 636 Løren
0507 Oslo
996 922 766

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The aim of the work is to renew the asphalt cover on roads, streets, pavements, foot and cycle paths that are managed by the contracting authority. Laying red asphalt in cycle lanes/cycle boxes is included in the assignment.

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