Dialogue conference — transport of library material.


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2017-01-21 09:35 (GMT+01:00)


Nordland fylkeskommune Nordland fylkeskommune
Hans Jørgen Kibsgaard Hans Jørgen Kibsgaard
Prinsensgate 100
8048 Bodø

Kort beskrivning

Nordland county library / Nordland county would like to establish a transport scheme for library books and other relevant library material. The scheme shall ensure regular collections and deliveries of material (so-called remote loans / in-loans) at the different libraries at a predictable, favourable cost. An invitation is thus given to an open dialogue meeting in the procurement service's premises in Moloveien 16 in Bodø, Friday 3.2.2017, 09:00. The contracting authority will give information on the need and prerequisites in the meeting. Suppliers can request a one-to-one meeting (up to 30 minutes) with the contracting authority and give input as to how the need can be solved. Participation is free of charge.

Register at the following address: https://www.nfk.korfu1.no/default.asp?sideid=20&pid=0&kid=1644

Please state whether a one-to-one meeting is wanted with the contracting authority.

The meeting will be public, apart from the one-to-one meetings. Minutes from the public meeting will be published.

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