Procurement of a framework agreement for an internet based payment system for government entities for ‘Payment Service Provider’ (PSP — services).


Öppet förfarande
2016-12-16 09:33 (GMT+01:00)
2017-01-27 17:00


Direktoratet for økonomistyring (henceforth referred to as DFØ) [the Norwegian Government Agency for Financial Management] Direktoratet for økonomistyring (henceforth referred to as DFØ) [the Norwegian Government Agency for Financial Management]
Nancy Johannessen
Karl Johans gate 37 B
0130 Oslo

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Kort beskrivning

The Norwegian Government Agency for Financial Management, (DFØ), shall procure a framework agreement for an internet based payment system for government entities for ‘Payment Service Provider’ — (PSP — services). The procurement is intended to cover the government entities' needs for virtual payment terminals provided by a PSP.

An internet based payment system is used when a customer pays via the internet for procurements made on the internet. If a government entity shall use an internet based payment system, the entity in question must have signed the following agreements:

— Virtual payment terminal;

— Redeeming payment transactions.

Furthermore, the entity must have a web-shop system, or have signed an agreement on this.

The PSP services will be a part of the entity's internet based payment system. This is a payment system that is used when a customer pays for a product or service via the internet via a web-shop at an entity.

The framework agreement only includes the PSP service for virtual payment terminals that are accessed via internet browsers. Payments through dedicated mobile applications are not covered by this framework agreement. Individual entities can have different needs for their choice of payment method.

The agreement shall initially be voluntary for all government businesses. Some specific government businesses have committed to using the agreement if they wish to begin using virtual payment solutions. Three parallel framework agreements will be signed with three different tenderers if possible. The framework agreement does not include services for web-shop systems. Each entity shall sign its own respective contracts for a web-shop system and redemption of payment transactions. DFØ has announced a separate parallel competition for a framework agreement for the redemption of payment transactions.

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