Food products, framework agreement.


Öppet förfarande
2016-12-03 17:12 (GMT+01:00)
2017-01-17 12:00


Drammen Kjøkken KF Drammen Kjøkken KF
Procurement Procurement
Roy Pettersen
Landfalløya 80
3023 Drammen
990 661 375

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The scope and purpose of the procurement:

A tender contest for an agreement for deliveries of food products to Drammen Kjøkken KF.

The contract is for the following product categories:

1: Meat and meat products (the estimated annual value is 5 050 000 NOK excluding VAT);

2: Dairy products, solid and liquid (the estimated annual value is 2 270 000 NOK, excluding VAT);

3. Fresh vegetables, fruits and potatoes. Fowl, poultry, egg and products thereof (estimated annual volume 3 865 000 NOK, excluding VAT).

4. Milk and dairy products; milk on tank is not included in the tender (estimated annual volume 4 067 000 NOK, excluding VAT).

5. Bread on baker's products (estimated annual volume 900 000 NOK excluding VAT).

Tender may be submitted on one or more of the categories, see the tender documentation.

The value is an estimate based on statistics and accounting figures for the procurement of equivalent products for previous years, as well as future budgets. The value must therefore be considered an estimate and is not binding.

Changes to the contracting authorities' procurement patterns, due to reforms etc. within the health sector, shall be included the framework agreement on the same terms as the original contract.

See part 2, requirement specifications, for further information.

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