Framework agreement for maintenance of playgrounds.


Öppet förfarande
2016-12-01 09:25 (GMT+01:00)
2017-01-09 12:00


Undervisningsbygg Oslo KF [Municipal Undertaking for Educational Buildings and Property] Undervisningsbygg Oslo KF [Municipal Undertaking for Educational Buildings and Property]
Berit Elise Bye
Grensesvingen 7
0661 Oslo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Municipal Undertaking for Educational Buildings and Property is responsible for inspections and maintenance of playgrounds for the schools in Oslo. The framework agreement includes maintenance of play apparatuses and playgrounds. A framework agreement will be entered into with one provider.

The contracting authority has currently approx. 140 schools with playgrounds/play apparatuses. The volume of the maintenance assignments depends on requirements, including maintenances requirements revealed in connection with annual and periodical inspections.

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