Tender on IT outsourcing (as further described in II.1.4).


Ej tillämpligt
2016-11-25 09:20 (GMT+01:00)


Bruno Kaae Bruno Kaae
Telegade 2, Høje Taastrup
2630 Taastrup

Kort beskrivning

The upcoming tender is a 2nd generation outsourcing of DSB's IT infrastructure. DSB is looking to re-tender the IT operations and support services, which are delivered by NNIT today, to 1 or more suppliers under a new contractual framework. The overall purpose is to ensure continued high stability on DSB's IT platforms, improve end user experience and satisfaction, obtain an operational cost level at market competitive prices, and implement a simplified platform that allows for speed in delivery of IT projects and improved transparency.

DSB has decided to re-tender the IT infrastructure in three separate contracts/RfP's:

— Contract 1: Data Center, SAP and Network.

— Contract 2: Service Desk and End User Computing Services.

— Contract 3: Service Integration and Management (SIAM), which will also include integration towards other parts of DSB's IT infrastructure.

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