Enterprise resource planning system (ERP).


Förhandlat förfarande
2016-11-04 09:36 (GMT+01:00)
2016-11-28 12:00


Nye Veier Nye Veier
Camilla Nilsen
Tangen 76
4608 Kristiansand
915 488 099

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The scope and purpose of the procurement:

Nye Veier AS shall enter into an agreement for the purchase of a new Enterprise resource planning system (ERP). The agreement shall first of all include all system support for the following processes:

— Ledger;

— Outgoing invoices/customers;

— Incoming invoices/suppliers;

— Contract follow-up;

— Procurement;

— Reports and analyses;

— Budget.

The tender contest also includes options for functionality for supporting the following processes:

— Hour registration;

— Travel/expenses;

— Payroll;

— HR;

— Project management.

The agreement will also include training, implementing, supporting and maintaining the system. Conversion of the existing database to the selected system as well as establishing basic integration towards Visma Lønn and Expense will also be required.

The system shall support improved quality and efficiency of Nye Veier's administrative processes. There will be a strong focus on improving procedures related to reporting, as well as the establishment of support for financial follow-up of works contracts.

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