Agreement on outsourcing of IT operations and support activities


03 - Meddelande Om Tilldelning Av Kontrakt
Ej tillämpligt
2016-10-10 13:49 (GMT+02:00)


Morten Bitsch Morten Bitsch
Kongens Vænge 8
3400 Hillerød

Kort beskrivning

ATP is a mandatory pension scheme for Danish workers and a supplement to the Danish tax-financed old-age state pension. ATP currently has 4.8 million members of which 950.000 are pensioners.

In addition to its pension activities, ATP is also one of the largest Nordic benefit processors. ATP administers a range of welfare benefits and labour market schemes for the Danish State, for Danish municipal governments and for the labour market

ATP is a self-governed institution established by the ATP Act and governed by ATP’s supervisory board.

This tender contains the operation, support, and management of, as well as certain maintenance and development services in relation to ATP's IT infrastructure.


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