Implementing Partner for Danish-Arab Partnership, Labour Market and Social Dialogue.


Selektivt förfarande
2016-10-06 10:55 (GMT+02:00)
2016-11-03 12:00


Ministry of Foreign Affairs/MENA Ministry of Foreign Affairs/MENA
Kurt Mørck Jensen Kurt Mørck Jensen
Asiatisk Plads 2

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Since its inception in 2003, the Danish Arab Partnership Programme (DAPP) has been a unique instrument for building trustful relations. DAPP has proven able to adapt to dramatic changes and remain a key pillar in Denmark's policy towards the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

Through partnerships between reform agents in Denmark and the Arab world, DAPP promotes reform, human rights, gender equality, religious dialogue as well as economic opportunities. From the outset, DAPP has been characterized by reciprocity, mutual respect and partnerships with a long-term perspective and a flexible framework capable of responding to a frequently changing and volatile context in the region.

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