73-BYM-2016 — Framework agreement for procurement assistance.


Öppet förfarande
2016-07-26 09:28 (GMT+02:00)
2016-09-05 12:00


Oslo kommune Bymiljøetaten (Oslo municipality, The Agency for Urban Environment) Oslo kommune Bymiljøetaten (Oslo municipality, The Agency for Urban Environment)
Steinar Johnsen
Postboks 636, Løren
0507 Oslo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Agency for Urban Environment executes approximately 80 procurements annually that are published. In addition there are approximately 100 procurements in the form of call-offs on framework agreements/cooperative purchasing agreements and procurements under the national threshold. It is the procurement consultants at The Agency for Urban Environment that operatively execute the procurements. Basically, The Agency for Urban Environment has the capacity to execute most procurements themselves, but in particularly hectic periods with many procurements or with illness, it may be necessary to hire in procurement assistance. The same applies to more complicated and combined procurement in ICT and interactive contracts. Tenderer must therefore handle periods with assignments, and other periods with multiple assignments.

The Agency for Urban Environment has procurements in the areas of building and construction, services and goods. The procurements vary in scope and there is an even distribution of procurement in all 3 sections of Laws and regulations on public procurements. There is also an even distribution of framework agreements, contracts and operational service agreements.

The agreement will primarily regard the execution of operative procurement. This involves the preparation of documents, evaluation of tender offers, administrating/following up of tenderers during the procurement process, as well as general procurement consulting.

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