Control on residues of veterinary medicinal products and contaminants.


Förhandlat förfarande
2016-07-22 09:41 (GMT+02:00)
2016-09-22 14:00


Mattilsynet — Hovedkontoret Mattilsynet — Hovedkontoret
Aud-Helén Værdal
Ullevålsveien 76
0304 Oslo

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Kort beskrivning

Council Directive 96/23/EC requires Norway, represented by the NFSA (according to European Economic Agreement EEA), to draft a national residue control plan for the Groups of substances detailed in Appendix 3 Tender form and price offer. These plans must comply with the sampling rules in Annex IV of the directive. This directive also stablishes the frequencies and level of sampling and the groups of substances to be controlled for each food commodity. The NFSA controls through targeted sampling the levels of certain organochlorines, pyrethroids, carbamates, organophosphates, heavy metals, mycotoxins, dyes, veterinary drugs and banned substances in live animals and animal products. Samples content above the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL), or finding of a prohibited substance, would be submitted for further action according to investigations of the NFSA.

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