Segmentation Surveys for marketing of Norway as a vacation destination.


Öppet förfarande
2016-06-14 09:48 (GMT+02:00)
2016-08-10 12:00


Innovasjon Norge (Innovation Norway) Innovasjon Norge (Innovation Norway)
Margrethe Helgebostad
Akersgata 13
0158 Oslo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The objective with all of the profiling work done by Innovasjon Norge is to assist in increasing the profitability of the tourism industry, and to increase Norway's market share internationally. Those who work with the tourism industry in Innovasjon Norge work together with the tourism industry businesses to increase knowledge of Norway as a vacation destination, and create the desire to travel in target groups in prioritised markets.

The market work is divided into campaign markets that are Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain and USA. Then comes the emerging markets that are defined as Spain, France, Italy, Russia, Japan and China. Then there is Asia and Brazil that are project markets.

Innovasjon Norge uses significant funds each year on marketing, and it is of crucial significance to have good target group understanding. The objective of this competition is to find a tenderer who can carry out segmentation surveys in the central markets to ensure that we direct the marketing at the correct target groups.

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