County road 866 Langbakken, Skjervøy municipality.


Öppet förfarande
2016-05-07 09:48 (GMT+02:00)
2016-06-13 12:00


Statens vegvesen Region nord (The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Region North) Statens vegvesen Region nord (The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Region North)
Mellomvegen 40, 9007 Tromsø Mellomvegen 40, 9007 Tromsø
Svein Arne Myrberg
Dreyfushammarn 31/33
8002 Bodø

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Construction of approx. 3 km new county road, the construction of approx. 2,5 km foot and cycle path.

Rock blasting of 122 000 m3 rock, removal of matter approx. 120 000 m3. Removal of approx. 5 000 m3 waste.

New street light installations along the foot and cycle path. Assembly of a 2,6 km railing. Laying 650 m culverts. Lowering 18 water and sewage manholes. Laying 28 000 m ducts for electricity. Laying 1 700 m water and sewage pipelines.

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